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Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare

Main Office Address:
2458 Holton St
Roseville, Minnesota 55113

General Contact  Email:


CASCW’s Outreach activities connect child welfare stakeholders in Minnesota to dynamic, relevant, accessible, research-informed practice and policy resources and trainings. We produce a variety of training events and publications that bridge the worlds of research, policy, and practice, bringing the latest information to students, administrators, policymakers, and practitioners working directly with children and families.

CASCW’s two Professional Certificate Programs are funded by the PSS Grant:

  • Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate (PACC) 
    The Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate (PACC) was developed in 2010 as a response to community demand to meet the need for increasing the availability and competency of a professional workforce able to work across systems to serve the unique and complex clinical and practice needs for adopted individuals and their families. Early on, Senator Amy Klobuchar selected the program as an Angel in Adoption™ recipient for outstanding advocacy in preparing adoption-competent clinical mental health and child welfare professionals for their work with adopted children and their families. Over more than a decade of programming, PACC has graduated over 420 professionals across 23 regional cohorts.

Limited spots for PACC 2024-25 cohorts remain, specifically in our Fully Virtual cohort, and the program will review applications on a rolling basis with a waitlist for cancellations and/or future early enrollment access.

  • Phoenix Learning Xchange (PLX) 
    PLX is a dynamic collaboration between the Department of Human Services and the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare aimed at increasing positive relationships between youth involved in systems and professionals who support them. Completion of this certificate program will provide learners with knowledge, skills, practice opportunities and a supportive multidisciplinary community in which to learn and collaborate. Learners will develop a deeper understanding of adolescent development, issues and challenges facing youth in systems, and increasing positive engagement and supportive relationships between youth and the people who serve them.

Communities Served:

Regions Served:
All Regions in Minnesota

DHS Contract Type:
Permanency Support Services

Permanency Support Services Provided
Training and Certification for Permanency Professionals.

Wait or Response Time:
Both programs enroll for cohorts annually on a rolling basis, but run on an academic calendar with a waitlist outside of those windows of open enrollment (usually early spring-summer with programs starting Sep/Oct).

Applications for 2024-25 PACC and PLX Certificate Programs remains open on a rolling basis with waitlists available.

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