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In 2017, the Minnesota Permanency Support Services (PSS) program was established with the goal of increasing access to services and supports for kinship, foster, and adoptive families and reducing the number of placements for children and teens in foster care and occurrences of re-entry for those who had previously achieved permanency through adoptions or Transfers of Permanent Legal and Physical Custody (TPLPC).

The word “permanency” speaks to the numerous ways in which children and teens who have experienced familial separation and loss are able to attain physical, emotional, and legal stability through supportive connections with adults in their lives who are committed to providing them with the love, care, and support they need to navigate life, work through the process of healing, and thrive. We use the word “permanency” to be more inclusive of the many ways in which these supportive, loving, stable, caring, and lifelong connections are achieved.

There are currently 16 agencies that are contracted by the Minnesota Department of Human Services through the Permanency Support Services (PSS) program. The services provided by these agencies are designed to meet the needs of children and youth who have experienced foster care and adoption, as well as parents, caregivers, and families throughout the permanency spectrum who are in need of resources, education, and supports.

These agencies are located throughout the state and offer a variety of services under these PSS grants—in an effort to increase local access to resources and supports and to be more responsive to the needs of the kinship, foster, and adoption communities in Minnesota.

Click on each logo below to learn more about the Permanency Support Services these agencies provide.

To explore agencies by the services provided or by region, visit the Find a Service or Agency or Agency by Region sections of the hub.


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