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Minnesota Rules and Statutes state that an agency must provide non-identifying background and health. It is the Minnesota Department of Children, Youth & Families’ recommendation that all agencies use the Departments Forms: Birth Parent Social/Medical History (DCYF Form 3205) or Background and Health History (DCYF Form 3235). They can be reached at E-Docs the Searchable document library (eDocs) / Minnesota Department of Children, Youth & Families (

The policy guide states the following: The commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services has a designated format that agencies are to use when collecting this information…select either: “Background and Health History” (DCYF-3235), or “Birth Parent Social and Medical History,” (DCYF-3205)

Some counties or agencies may provide comparable information but in a different format. This means that if agencies are using forms other than the DCYF Format it is the agencies’ responsibility to make sure that they are providing the information detailed on the DCYF format. It also means that if DCYF updates the information requirements, agencies will update their format to match.

In addition, here are some additional links for Post Search:

Regarding birth parent identifying information. No birth parent identifying information can be released unless:

  • The agency receives permission from the birth parent to share the identifying information
  • The adoptee was born outside the state of Minnesota (see next FAQ for more information)
  • A court order is obtained
  • In adoptive placements made on and after August 1, 1982, the agency responsible for or supervising the placement shall obtain from the birth parents named on the original birth record an affidavit attesting to the following:
    • (a) that the birth parent has been informed of the right of the adopted person at the age specified in section 259.89 to request from the agency the name, last known address, birthdate and birthplace of the birth parents named on the adopted person’s original birth record;
    • (b) that each birth parent may file in the agency record an affidavit objecting to the release of any or all of the information listed in clause (a) about that birth parent, and that parent only, to the adopted person;
    • (c) that if the birth parent does not file an affidavit objecting to release of information before the adopted person reaches the age specified in section 259.89, the agency will provide the adopted person with the information upon request;
    • (d) that notwithstanding the filing of an affidavit, the adopted person may petition the court according to section 259.61 for release of identifying information about a birth parent;
    • (e) that the birth parent shall then have the opportunity to present evidence to the court that nondisclosure of identifying information is of greater benefit to the birth parent than disclosure to the adopted person; and
    • (f) that any objection filed by the birth parent shall become invalid when withdrawn by the birth parent or when the birth parent dies. Upon receipt of a death record for the birth parent, the agency shall release the identifying information to the adopted person if requested.

In Minnesota Statute 259.83, subd3a, it states the following:

Subd. 3a. Birth parent identifying information.

(a) This subdivision applies to adoptive placements where an adopted person does not have a record of live birth registered in this state. Upon written request by an adopted person 18 years of age or older, the agency responsible for or supervising the placement must provide to the requester the following identifying information related to the birth parents listed on that adopted person’s original birth record:
(1) each of the birth parent’s names; and
(2) each of the birth parent’s birthdate and birthplace.
(b) The agency may charge a reasonable fee to the requester for providing the required information under paragraph (a).
(c) The agency, acting in good faith and in a lawful manner in disclosing the identifying information under this subdivision, is not civilly liable for such disclosure.

So, if the adoptee was born outside the state of Minnesota, if the individual places a request in writing to the agency responsible for the adoption placement, then the agency can release identifying information of the birth parents listed on the original birth record.

Foster care and guardianship records fall under two different statutes in the state of Minnesota. However, as more individuals (and descendants of individuals previously in foster care and under state guardianship) wish to learn more information about their past, here are some guidelines to assist your agency while you support these individuals:

      • Guardianship records—per Minnesota Rule 9560.0480, Guardianship Records must be retained on a permanent basis using a record system that ensures privacy and lasting preservation. 
      • Foster care records
        • Regardless of whether a child is under state guardianship, if a child leaves foster care by reason of having attained the age of majority under state law, the child must be given at no cost a copy of the child’s social and medical history, as described in section 260C.212, subdivision 15, including the child’s health and education report. 260C.219, subdivision 5

Yes—Foster Adopt Minnesota has Post Adoption Funding to support individuals requesting post adoption services.

Eligible requestors can contact FAM directly if they wish to apply for funding for the following:

  • Non-certified copy of Original Birth Record
  • Petitioning court
  • Ancestry DNA kit

To request funding support for the aforementioned documents and services, please complete the Post Adoption Funding Form and submit it to FAM.

The placing agency can also apply for funding on behalf of an eligible requestor to cover any adoption agency fees for post adoption services. The placing agency will need to complete a Post Adoption Funding Form and submit it to FAM

In Minnesota Statute 259.79, subd3, it states the following:

All adoption records shall be retained on a permanent basis under a protected record system which ensures confidentiality and lasting preservation. All adoption records shall become public records on the 100th anniversary of the granting of the adoption decree.

This being said, if your agency cannot locate the adoption record, you can place a request to Foster Adopt Minnesota and a search will be done for adoption documents. The adoption documents will only be what were submitted at the time of the adoption from the placing agency.

Please complete the following form

Yes—please complete the following form to place a request to Foster Adopt Minnesota

Minnesota statutes (stat.) and rules related to post adoption search services and records.

Those interested in statutes and rules governing post adoption search services and records in Minnesota may want to read the sections cited below. These policies were developed to help individuals who have been adopted, or whose birth parents have terminated their parental rights, to obtain information about themselves and their birth relatives, as well as services. These policies can be accessed electronically at the Minnesota Revisor of Statutes’ website at

  • Statute 144.225 – Disclosure of information from vital records
  • Statute 144.218 – Replacement birth records
  • Statute 245A.04, subd. 10 – Adoption agency, additional requirements
  • Statute 259.43 – Birth parent history, Commissioner’s form
  • Statute 259.47 – Direct adoptive placement
  • Statute 259.61 – Hearings, confidential
  • Statute 259.79 – Adoption records
  • Statute 259.83 – Post adoption services
  • Statute 259.89 – Access to original birth record information
  • Rule 9560.0030 – Legally freeing a child for adoption
  • Rule 9560.0170 – Post adoption services
  • Rule 9560.0180 – Maintenance of adoption records
  • Rule 9545.0835 – Adoption placements
  • Rule 9545.0845 – Plan for transfer of records
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