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Minnesota Prairie County Alliance Contact Info:

Main Office Address:
22 East 6th Street Dept. 401
Mantorville, Minnesota 55955

General Contact  Email:


Other Locations:
Steele County
630 Florence Avenue
Owatonna, MN 55060

Waseca County
1000 West Elm Avenue
Waseca, MN 56093

Minnesota Prairie County Alliance is the combined Human Service Agency for Dodge, Steele, and Waseca Counties. Licensing and Kinship Staff work with Kinship families who are providing (or may provide) care for children placed through services provided by the agency. Minnesota Prairie County Alliance Kinship Support and Licensing Staff will assist Kinship families with the Child Foster Care Licensing process prior to, and throughout placement.

Minnesota Prairie County Alliance Kinship Support and Licensing staff assist kinship families in planning for children that they may begin caring for due to potential out-of-home placement for children. MNPrairie staff will assist in coordinating transportation, childcare, school registration, medical appointments as well as other needs that the children or kinship families may have.

Minnesota Prairie County Alliance Kinship Support and Licensing staff can assist in assessing the environmental and safety needs of kinship homes for possible licensing concerns and compliance and assist with developing solutions to potential licensing barriers including the possibility of securing funding to meet those needs.

Minnesota Prairie County Alliance currently facilitates monthly support groups for Kinship Care Providers, as well as quarterly activities for kinship families. The support group and activities allow for kinship caregivers to connect with each other and to be supports for each other.

Communities Served:
Prospective/current foster parents
Prospective/current adoptive parents
Prospective/current kinship caregivers

Regions Served:
South East (Dodge, Steele, and Waseca Counties only)

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