This section of the Resource Hub includes tools, guides, and other resources not necessarily related to PPPC and PSS contracts, that may be helpful for professionals who provide support to the kinship, foster, and adoption communities in Minnesota.
This list is not comprehensive and maintenance of this page will be ongoing as new resources are developed and current resources are updated. Due to programmatic capacity and the nature of the Permanency Services Resource Hub, we are not able to accept unsolicited suggestions or requests for resource additions.
As you navigate through the professional sections of the hub, you may encounter some password-protected areas containing resources, information, and meetings that are specific to DCYF, County, PPPC, and PSS workers that would not be appropriate to access for the general public, families, or other professionals who do not fill these front-end or PPPC/PSS grant-specific roles.
If you are a DCYF, County, PPPC, or PSS worker and need access to these password-protected areas, please email FAM Resource Hub staff at Be sure to use your professional email and indicate your title and affiliation when requesting the password.
All professionals are encouraged to explore other areas of the Resource Hub, as many of the resources included throughout the site may be helpful to you in your roles as well!
MN DCYF/County Contacts
MN DCYF Newsletters Signup
MN DCYF Guides, Forms, and Tools
- Child protection, foster care, adoption: eDocs, forms and documents
- Family Systems Licensing Documents
- DCYF Licensing Information Lookup
- Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
- Northstar Care for Children
State Adoption Exchange
MN Statutes and Legal Forms
Visit the For Professionals password-protected page to learn more about and refer a MN child or teen for the recruitment services listed below.
- Child-Specific Recruitment Services – Child-specific recruitment refers to intensive services centered around youth in foster care who are in need of permanency. Child-specific recruiters work closely with youth to learn more about them and involve them in recruitment efforts. They work to identify relatives, kin, and other significant adults in a youth’s life through the utilization of various family finding tools and techniques.
- Meet the Kids (Minnesota Live, All About Me, print media)
- Minnesota Heart Gallery
- The Reel Hope Project
** Please note that this section is password-protected and should only be accessed by DCYF, County, PPPC, or PSS workers. **
If you are a DCYF, County, PPPC, or PSS worker and need access to this password-protected area, please email FAM Resource Hub staff at Be sure to use your professional email and indicate your title and affiliation when requesting the password.
- Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
- Wendy’s Wonderful Kids (WWK)
- Minnesota’s WWK Affiliate
- FosterClub
- Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Casey Family Programs
- Collaborative Family Engagement Tools
- Connect Our Kids
- Family Finding and Engagement Tools
- Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition
- Hunter College School of Social Work
- Institute for Child Welfare Innovation
- Mobility Mapping
- National Institute for Permanent Family Connectedness Resources
- Practice Guide on Relative Search, Notice, Engagement and Placement Consideration for Children in Foster Care
- Relative Concurrent Permanency Planning
- Seneca Search
- AdoptUSKids
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Spaulding for Children
- The Arc Minnesota
- Arc FAQ – Disability determination/SMRT process, MN Choices Assessments, Waivers, PCA, Guardianship, etc.
- Disability Hub
- Family Voices
- PACER Center
- Proof Alliance
- Adoption/Guardianship and TPLPC
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- County and Tribal Social Services Guide
- LSS Kinship Program
Monthly Newsletter Signup - Minnesota Kinship Navigation Tool
- TPLPC Checklist
- Help Me Connect
- Find a Service or Agency – Support Groups, Respite Care, etc.
- PACT for Families Collaborative
- Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI)
- MYVoice (Minnesota Youth Voice)
- 357 Model
- Lifebooks/Life Stories
- Resources for Foster Care-Experienced and Transition-Age Youth
- Casey Family Programs – Life Skills Toolkit
- C2i: Connections to Independence
- FosterClub
- PACER Center – Transition to Life After High School
- Partnerships for Permanence
For 24-hour mental health crisis support, call 988 to be connected to your local crisis response team.
For immediate danger/safety needs, call 911 and ask for a Crisis Intervention Officer or go to your local emergency room.
See more emergency support resources here.
- Foster Adopt MN
- NAMI Minnesota
- Crisis Resources (hotlines, safety planning tools, guides)
- Keeping Families Together – A Guide to the Children’s Mental Health System
- Mental Health Crisis Planning for Adults – Learn to Recognize, Manage, Prevent and Plan for Your Loved One’s Mental Health Crisis
- Mental Health Crisis Planning for Children – Learn to Recognize, Manage, Prevent and Plan for Your Child’s Mental Health Crisis
- Beacon House – simple high-quality descriptions, animations, visuals educating on trauma and attachment support for at home and school
- California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare – Mental Health Resources
- Connect Our Kids – All Connected: A Place for Belonging
- Foster Adopt MN
- Minnesota Association for Children Mental Health
- National Council for Adoption – Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics
- Autism Assessment MN
- Diagnostic Assessment MN
- FASD Assessment in MN
- Level of Care Determination (pg. 4-6)
- Neuropsychological Assessment MN
- Severe Emotional Disturbance Determination (pg. 1-4)
- Trauma Informed Mental Health Assessment
- CASCW’s Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate (PACC)
- Foster Adopt MN’s HELP Program
- National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) – Free, online, self-paced curriculum for child welfare workers and mental health professionals
- The Arc Minnesota
- Early Learning Scholarships
- Families Rising – School Support
- Family Voices
- Foster Adopt MN – School Support webinars
- PACER Center
- Postsecondary financial support
- Department of Children, Youth, and Families – Education and Training Voucher Program (ETV) / Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families (
- Families Rising – Covering college/post-secondary expenses
- Office of Higher Education – Fostering Independence Grants (
- Resources for Educators and Other School Personnel
- Beacon House – Schools Resource List
- Beyond Consequences
- Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW)
- Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.)
- CORE TEEN Right Time Curriculum
- Families Rising
- Foster Adopt Minnesota
- MN Child Welfare Training Academy
- National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI)
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
- National Training and Development Curriculum
- TrainLink
- Angela Quijada-Banks – The Black Foster Youth Handbook
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- EmbraceRace
- American Indian Family and Children Services (AIFACS)
- CASCW – A Guide Through ICWA/MIFPA
- National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA)
- Native American Rights Fund – A Practical Guide to the Indian Child Welfare Act
- CASCW – LGBTQ+ Youth in Foster Care
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Families Rising
- Foster Adopt Minnesota
- Human Rights Campaign
- AdoptUSKids
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Beacon House
- Beyond Words Psychological Services
- Casey Family Programs
- Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.)
- Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW)
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Families Rising
- Foster Adopt Minnesota
- National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
- National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Support
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
- National Council for Adoption
- National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA)
- Nebraska Children’s Home Society
- Quality Improvement Center for Adoption & Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG)