Evaluation Form Name (optional) First Last Would you like to be contacted by a Permanency Services Resource Hub team member regarding any concerns you have shared?" Yes No Email I am a/an (check all that apply)(Required) Current or prospective kinship/foster/adoptive parent or caregiver Child welfare or adoption professional Mental health professional Youth or adult who experienced foster care Adoptee Birth/first parent Other I am accessing the Permanency Services Resource Hub in a (check all that apply)(Required) Personal capacity Professional capacity Where did you learn about the Resource Hub? Social worker/case manager MN DHS/DCYF Mental health professional Colleague Kinship/foster/adoptive family Friend or community member Received outreach At a training/presentation Internet search Social media Newsletter Is this your first time visiting the Resource Hub? Yes No I found the Resource Hub easy to navigate Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree I found the Resource Hub helpful Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree The section of the Resource Hub that I found to be the most helpful was (check all that apply): About Paths to Permanency Permanency Support Services For Professionals Resources Calendar Contact Us I was able to find what I was looking for on the Resource Hub Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Would you visit the Resource Hub again? Yes No Would you recommend the Resource Hub to others? Yes No Please share comments, suggestions, and additional feedback about your experience with the Permanency Services Resource Hub.CAPTCHA Δ