February 1, 2024
At the Department of Human Services, we know you work tirelessly to serve children and families across Minnesota. We see your hard work and recognize your expertise and insight. Thank you.
Due to the upcoming changes around access to original birth records, the department is looking for feedback from professionals and organizations working within Minnesota’s adoption system on the access to, and handling of, adoption records. Through several engagement sessions, we hope to hear about your experience and challenges surrounding Minnesota adoption records, as well as ideas for potential improvements.
- Who are these sessions for? These sessions are for professionals in the Minnesota adoption system, so please feel free to share this with your network.
- Location: These sessions will be hosted via Zoom. The links to register are below.
- Accommodations: For accommodation requests or difficulty registering, contact Colton Brinker at colton.brinker@state.mn.us or 651-431-5855.
Register here - https://umn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpd--gqTgsHtGZsEI2Q98t58PJlR2PlpEm#/registration