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Greater Minnesota Parent Support Group

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Open to pre-adoptive, adoptive, foster, relative and/or kinship caregivers living in Greater Minnesota (outside the Twin Cities Metro Area). This online group is facilitated by CH/LSS staff and offers connection, positive parenting strategies, support, and more! After registration, you will receive a link to join the next Zoom session. This service is provided by funding made…

Children’s Home and LSS Foster Care & Adoption Orientation

Children’s Home – St. Paul Office, 1605 Eustis Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55108, United States

Children’s Home and LSS welcomes you to attend this free meeting to learn about fostering and adopting children from within the Minnesota foster care system. This orientation will provide an overview of the process and addresses details such as children served, timelines, fees (spoiler: there are practically none!), licensing requirements, and more. Additional Information: Along…

Navigating the Journey: Empowering Families through Kinship and Foster Care Adoption

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Please join us for a comprehensive workshop designed to provide invaluable insights and tools for families embarking on the transformative path of adoption. This workshop places a strong emphasis on adoption competence, including considerations of race, ethnicity, and culture, to ensure that families are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of adoption and foster care. OBJECTIVES…


Foster Care and Adoption Education Classes – Hybrid

Children’s Home – St. Paul Office, 1605 Eustis Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55108, United States

This education option is the balance between the in-person and online options. It is best suited for individuals who want to move swiftly and prefer a blended learning style. Your education will begin with an online pre-test as well as introductory and a guest speaker section of online learning. This can be completed at your…

Children’s Home and LSS Foster Care & Adoption Orientation

Children’s Home and LSS welcomes you to attend this free meeting to learn about fostering and adopting children from within the Minnesota foster care system. This orientation will provide an overview of the process and addresses details such as children served, timelines, fees (spoiler: there are practically none!), licensing requirements, and more. Additional Information Along…

Live Webinar Series: Ages and Stages of Healthy Sexual Development

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

The goal of each webinar in the series is to provide information on healthy sexual development by discussing typical developmental milestones and what this means for caregivers. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice responding to ‘teachable moments’ about healthy sexuality with the young people in their lives.   Series Details: Tuesday, Feb. 6…

Gizaagi’in Round Dance

Shooting Star Casino 777 S Casino Rd, Mahnomen, MN, United States

Join us for the Gizaagi'in Round Dance at the Shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen on February 10th at 4PM-12AM! The event will feature food, spot dances, dance specials, and more!

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