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Live Webinar Series: Ages and Stages of Healthy Sexual Development

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

The goal of each webinar in the series is to provide information on healthy sexual development by discussing typical developmental milestones and what this means for caregivers. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice responding to ‘teachable moments’ about healthy sexuality with the young people in their lives.   Series Details: Tuesday, Feb. 6…

A Safe Place: An Experiment in Discussing Our Differences

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

In this interactive talk, Merritt replicates the Safe Place experiment from his book, I Take My Coffee Black. Working closely with organizations, he brings together individuals from varying political, racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds to participate in face-to-face discussions about hot-button topics to encourage healthy and safe – and sometimes even humorous – dialogue. By…


[FosterEd] ACES: Aftermath of Trauma

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Please join us for a webinar with Breanna Gronli. We will explore all ten ACES in depth along with the effects trauma can have on the body, mind, and spirit. Breanna will present ways to aid the body in releasing stored trauma to counter the effects. Breanna Gronli, LGSW, MSW works with Sojourn Counseling Group. As…


WILL You Plan for a Peaceful Future? Wills & Estate Planning for Foster & Adoptive Families

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

As an experienced estate planning attorney and foster/adoptive father, Chris knows the pressures that working families face. And the added challenges of working with the foster system, government systems, and the chaotic day-to-day of being a parent. Planning for the future feels impossible when you can barely plan for dinner tonight. Chris shares, "I can help,…


[Spring Summit] Developing Children’s Self-Regulation in the Context of Relationships

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Developing children's self-regulation in the context of relationships: Theory, research, and practical strategies. The ability to regulate thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is the cornerstone for healthy development. Trauma exposure can have a cascading effect on regulatory pathways. Research shows that caregivers can buffer these effects. This session will introduce research on the development of self-regulation…


[Spring Summit] Relationships Heal

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Relationships Heal: Evidence Based Mental Health Services for Young Children and Caregivers. This workshop will help audience members understand key principles of infant and early childhood mental health. We will also explore the importance of early intervention services that simultaneously support the developmental needs of young children, their primary caregivers, and their relationship(s) with one…


[Spring Summit] Empowering the Health of Those Impacted by Adoption and Foster Care

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Discovering the Known Amongst the Unknown: please join us for a dynamic webinar with Kimara Gustafson, MD, MPH. Together we will explore the unique health challenges present for children, older youth, and young adults with lived adoption and foster care experience. We will specifically focus on how to navigate the ongoing healthcare landscape in an…


[Spring Summit] Blocked Care: Recognizing and Meeting the Caregiver’s Needs

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Chronic stress, feelings of helplessness, and isolation affect caregivers' ability to give quality care to their children. When you add the pressure of being the healthy attachment figure for a child who has experienced early-life trauma, the emotional demands can be overwhelming. Caregivers can easily slide into their own survival behavior and struggle to give…


[Spring Summit] My Story, My Way: The Therapeutic Lifebook

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Have you ever wanted to put the pieces of your life together? Not just to look where you have come from but to help yourself move forward? What about helping a child you care about put those pieces together? Lifebooks can help children who have been in foster care and those who have experienced adoption.…


[Spring Summit] Treating Childhood Anxiety: The Important Role Parents Play

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Research has shown that parental involvement in childhood anxiety treatments is often a necessary condition for positive treatment response.  In fact, some research shows that younger children with anxiety (i.e., ages 3-8) who participate in an individual psychotherapy model that does not include parents fare no better than those in the waitlist/control group.  In recent…


[Spring Summit] Supporting Sensory Processing for Foster & Adoptive Kids

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

When our sensory systems are overloaded or under stimulated it can be so hard to live life with ease and joy. But we're not just talking about the 5 senses here! Mya will help you understand what sensory processing is, what the signs are to indicate when our kids need support, and how we can…


[Spring Summit] [Part 1] The Intersection of Transracial Adoption & Racial (in)Justice

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

This 3-part workshop is designed for adoption agencies (staff and families), child-welfare organizations and conferences. Transracial caregiving is a multifaceted journey for the entire family, but it is often the child who bears the brunt of navigating the complexity of the experience. It is critical that caregivers and parents understand the history of why children…

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