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All calendar events are added and updated by PPAI and PSS agency representatives.
Please contact these agencies directly to inquire about changes before traveling to in-person events.

* To narrow or filter your search use the search bar above the calendar or use the buttons below.*

FALL FORUM: Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

This presentation will include a review of how adversity gets embedded in neurodevelopment and affects the way our genome may be used and affected. The public health and communitywide implications…

FALL FORUM: The Trauma Healing Diet

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

We all have or will experience burnout on the job and the sluggishness, boredom, and frustration that accompany it. One way we can learn to combat burnout is by learning…

FALL FORUM: Creating Inclusive Families

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Creating a sense of belonging and inclusion has a significant impact on the family. As foster and adoptive parents themselves, the presenters will provide the characteristics of inclusive families and…

Event Series LGBTQ+ Caregiver Support Group

LGBTQ+ Caregiver Support Group

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States +1 more

The group was created to provide foster and adoptive caregivers who are part of the LGBTQ+ community an opportunity to connect about their experiences as foster and adoptive parents. This…

FALL FORUM: Cultural Humility When Walking Alongside Indigenous Peoples

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

A training for agency staff and service providers who have limited knowledge of tribal cultures and histories, intended to encourage culturally appropriate approaches to supporting Native children and families.

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