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All calendar events are added and updated by PPAI and PSS agency representatives.
Please contact these agencies directly to inquire about changes before traveling to in-person events.

* To narrow or filter your search use the search bar above the calendar or use the buttons below.*

Strengthening Your Resilience as a Caregiver

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Explore sources of stress inherent to kinship caregiving, understand the important role of kinship caregiving, identify your protective factors, and identify what you can do to address stress in helpful…

[Part 3] The Intersection of Transracial Adoption & Racial (in)Justice

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Please join Angela Tucker for a three-part webinar series designed for adoption agencies (staff and families), child-welfare organizations and conferences. Transracial caregiving is a multifaceted journey for the entire family,…


[Part 2] Consent Toolbox Through a Cultural Lens – Age 10 to 18

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

The last of two sessions will focus on youth ages 10-18.  Please note: Part one of this series (on April 3) addresses ages 0-9. Consent is complex and this workshop…


Foster & Adoptee Youth Retreat

Camp Knutson 11148 Manhattan Point Blvd, Cross Lake

Lutheran Social Service (LSS) is excited to offer a special opportunity for foster and foster adopted youth (ages 13-17) to spend a weekend among peers who have shared life experiences…


Relative/Kin Caregiver Retreat

All Ampersand-affiliated relative/kin families are invited to attend the family retreat at Cedar Valley Resort from April 19-21! RSVP here and ask questions by emailing


Attachment – Why is it Important?

- Online Webinar/Training, Support Group, or Meeting MN, United States

Attachment is the foundation of human development that is essential to the development of trust. Trust allows us to move forward in developing the skills we need to travel through…

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